Captives of New Pompeii Read online

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She cried out, bowing clear off the bed as her cunt tightened around his fingers. Her delicate features tensed and her lips trembled. He kept the spasms going with his thumb, circling her clit with slow, steady pressure. Pleasure clouded her eyes, making them rich and smoky. He savored every nuance, mesmerized by the beauty of her uninhibited response.

  When she finally relaxed, she sprawled across the bed, limp and sleepy. He eased away and watched the rise and fall of her breasts as he licked her cream from his fingers. Hating to disturb her, he went to the bathroom and found a tube of ointment for the welts on her ass. If he didn’t treat them now, they’d bruise and take longer to heal.

  He returned to the bedroom and found her lying on her stomach, chin resting on her folded arms. She watched him silently, gaze calm and assessing. “Who are you? You are so different from the strutting pirate you show the world.”

  “Strutting pirate?” He laughed. “Was that really your first impression of me?”

  “I know it’s not fair. We’d hardly exchanged two words before tonight. But you’re damn good-looking and you know it.”

  The criticism didn’t bother him. He’d heard it before. “In my line of work you use any advantage you can find. If my face opens an occasional door, I’m not going to complain about it. But my appearance does not define who I am.” He warmed the ointment between his palms before spreading it across her sensitive skin. “I don’t want this to bruise. Your skin is so delicate.”

  “My skin might be, but I’m not.” She smiled. “And somehow you sensed it. How is it that half an hour in your cabin accomplished more than five years of therapy?”

  “Feel better?”

  She laughed. “Understatement of the year. I feel so light I could float. How the hell did you know that’s what I needed?”

  He shrugged and pushed to his feet, fiddling with the tube of ointment. “Part of it was experience, part of it instinct. Our mother is empathic, so Aiden and I both have better than average instincts when it comes to people.” That caught her attention. She shifted onto her side and propped her head on her hand. His cock twitched—an unneeded reminder that he had postponed his own release while he focused on her.

  “Tell me about your homeworld. I know very little about the colonies.”

  “They aren’t that different than Fedoros. Smaller, less refined, but our outposts were populated by Fedorans.”

  “Were your mother’s abilities spontaneous or was she genetically engineered?”

  “Enhanced,” he corrected. “Psychic abilities are either naturally occurring or scientifically enhanced. Genetic engineering sounds so nefarious. My mother was enhanced.”

  “Was? Is she no longer alive?”

  “We lost her nine years ago.”

  “And your father?”

  “Alive and kicking. He still lives in the same house where I grew up. Likely will until he dies.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He needed her to understand that there were clear boundaries in his life. He had to keep things compartmentalized. This was the first time he’d allowed a woman in his cabin and it felt odd. Not necessarily bad, just different.

  “Do you want me to go?”

  Apparently she’d noticed his agitation. “For now. You need some time alone to reflect on what we accomplished, and I need to finish what we started.”

  Her gaze dropped to his crotch and she blushed a vivid red. “I’m sorry. I’m lying here like a floozy and I didn’t even think about… I can help you if you’d like.”

  “Not tonight,” he said firmly. “Get dressed and I’ll escort you to your cabin. I want to make sure your unwanted guest has returned to his master.”

  Chapter Six

  Felicia awoke the next morning confused and disappointed. Sometime during the night Aiden had returned to his cabin and covered her with a blanket. At least she hoped it had been Aiden. She’d been sleeping like a baby.

  He had also placed a stack of uniforms beside the bathroom door. They were black and green, like his and Caleb’s. Which meant the people in red and gold must belong to Xyell.

  Last night Aiden had left her with a stack of books and he had activated the “vid-library”, which he told her would respond to verbal commands. But she’d been too restless to read and the moving images were a glaring reminder of how far she was from home. She’d stared out his viewport, wishing she could see stars and contemplating all the changes. When her eyes began to droop and her legs felt wobbly, she lay down on his bunk, intending to rest until he returned.

  Well, this was probably for the best. If he had returned last night, intending to share the cabin, it would have been awkward. She picked up the stack of clothes and took them into the bathroom. Longing for a long, hot bath, she undressed and stepped into the shower.

  Hopefully Laetif would agree to speak with her and explain more about her husband’s plan for the refugees. Except Xyell didn’t see them as refugees, he saw them as an investment. She shivered. It was not right. Even if he had saved them from certain death, he did not own the entire population of a city.

  Her heart sank as she realized her own naiveté. The Fedoros might possess awe-inspiring machines but their intentions were nothing new or different. Cities were conquered and the inhabitants became slaves to the conquering forces. She should be glad that there had been no actual war.

  She turned off the shower and reached for one of the drying cloths, which were stacked in an inset compartment. Her gaze drifted to the mirror as she dried her hair and awareness crept across her skin. She had never really looked at her body before, had never thought of herself as a sexual being.

  Would Aiden find her pleasing? The question shocked her. Why should she assume that Aiden would be her lover or that she would allow any man to touch her in that way?

  Turning slightly to the side, she assessed her shape with objective eyes. Her breasts were not large, but they were high and round. The flare of her hips accentuated the narrowness of her waist and… She shook her head and reached for one of the uniform tops. How should she know what men found attractive? The men who rutted with the temple harlots didn’t seem to care what they looked like. They only cared that they were willing and available.

  The uniform fit much better than the “gym” clothes he’d given her the day before. She ran a comb through her damp hair and brushed her teeth, still not sure if she liked the prickly instrument Aiden had provided for that purpose.

  She walked back into the main part of the cabin and glared at the vidstation. Should she attempt to access the library? Aiden had assured her there were moving images on any subject she could imagine. All she had to do was tell the machine what she wanted to see. How could a machine understand and respond to her words? It made her stomach tight and her heart beat faster. Surely some spirit had to be at work inside the machine for it to comprehend a command.

  A buzzer sounded, saving her from the vidstation. She whirled toward the door and called out, “Who is there?”

  “It’s Laetif. Come closer to the door and say, ‘come in’. The door will open for me.”

  She hurried toward the door and said, “Come in.” Nothing happened.

  “Did you say, come in?”

  “I did. The door did not respond.”

  “Aiden must not have added your voice print to his security profile. Do you see a small area sticking out from the wall right next to the door?”

  “Yes. Aiden calls it a control panel.”

  “Yes, the control panel. Is there a green light near the bottom right corner of the panel?”

  “I see it.”

  “Push that area of the panel and the door should release.”

  Felicia pressed her finger over the blinking light and the door hissed, sliding open to reveal Laetif. “Praise be to Venus!” She hugged her new friend and Laetif laughed.

  “Congratulations. You just performed your first manual override.” She stepped back and looked at Felicia. “And you’re ready. Almost. Slip on some shoes and let’s g

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my cabin. I arranged for an extravagant breakfast, and Doctor Thrax is not invited. I’m in serious need of some girl time!”

  “Well, I am more than ready to break my fast. Does Aiden know our plans?”

  “Does he need to?”

  “He will worry if he returns to his cabin and I am gone.”

  “Good point.” Laetif walked across the room and paused beside the vidstation. “Is this on for a reason?”

  “He invited me to use it last night, but I was uncomfortable.”

  “Men are morons most of the time, but we love them anyway. You have been thrust into a world so bizarre, I’m surprised you’re still rational. I’d be curled up in a corner somewhere.” She turned to the vidstation and said, “Hibernate.” And the glowing light blinked out. “Now, let me send a text to your handsome doctor. He can’t argue with our plans that way.”

  Felicia watched Laetif effortlessly operate the various machines, wondering how long it would take her to adjust to this strange world. She found the slip-on shoes she had worn the day before and pushed her feet into them.

  “All set. The message was received. Let’s bolt before he has time to send a reply.”

  They hurried into the corridor, ignoring the musical beep from the companel. “Can he send his response to your cabin?”

  “Of course, but I’ll put an emergency-only interrupt on all communications.” She glanced at Felicia and smiled. “That means leave us the hell alone.”

  Laetif’s vivaciousness was contagious. Felicia felt her mood lighten and the conflict inside her ease. They arrived at Laetif’s cabin and Felicia took a moment to look around. “Why is your cabin so much larger than Aiden’s?”

  “Because I’m a paying customer, silly.” She motioned to the table laden with food and drink. “Have a seat. You hardly ate last night and you’re skinny as a rail. I’m determined to feed you.”

  Felicia smiled and sank into the chair Laetif had indicated. “There is enough food here for half of Pompeii.”

  “Eat as much as you like. The galley will recycle the rest. Nothing is wasted on a starship.”

  She had no idea what recycle meant, but nothing is wasted allayed her concern. Laetif pulled out the chair across from Felicia and slowly lowered herself onto the seat. “Are you all right?”

  A guilty flush colored her cheeks and fought back a smile. “I pulled a muscle in the back of my leg. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but sitting down is tricky.”

  “Perhaps Doctor Thrax could prescribe a remedy.”

  Laetif turned her head and covered her mouth with her hand, ineffectively hiding her laughter. “Oh my God, you have no idea why that’s so funny.”

  “Then explain it to me.” Felicia clutched her hands in her lap, no longer amused by her friend’s levity.

  “If you fill your plate and start eating, I’ll tell you the whole sordid tale. But the second you stop eating, I stop talking.”

  “That is bribery,” Felicia grumbled.

  “Whatever works.” She picked up a metallic pitcher and poured brown liquid into an odd-shaped cup. “You’ve never had coffee, have you? It’s an acquired taste, so you might not like it immediately.” She passed Felicia the cup and waited expectantly.

  Felicia lifted the cup and inhaled the aroma. Rich, earthy, very pleasant. She blew on the steaming liquid then took a sip and wrinkled her nose. “It doesn’t taste anything like it smells.” But it did. As the liquid rolled across her tongue, the subtler flavors emerged.

  “Take a few more sips. If you don’t like it, I’ll pour you something else. We can add sugar and cream too. Many people like it like that. I prefer to taste my coffee, but I’m a purist.” She snickered. “At least when it comes to coffee.”

  After adding a lot of cream and a little bit of sugar, they found a balance Felicia enjoyed. She set down the cup and picked up the odd utensil Aiden had called a fork. She speared some sort of meat with it and held it near her mouth. “I am eating. Tell me how you injured your leg.”

  “As I’m sure you gathered from my reaction to your vision, I’m not the type to sleep around. I was so in love with Mikko when we married, I couldn’t even imagine myself in bed with someone else. Then his affairs started and I realized he had no intention of curtailing his philandering ways.”

  “Why did you not divorce him?”

  “Divorce was allowed in Pompeii? I hadn’t realized the civilization was that advanced.”

  “Marriages that end in divorce are tragic. The practice is not something to be celebrated, but I understand your point. We seem quite barbaric to you. Pompeii is a part of the Roman Empire. Women are allowed to own land and hold positions of power. Many marriages are still arranged among the rich and powerful, but either party can end the marriage for infidelity.”

  “I thought about it. But I’m a weak, materialistic person. I understand my own faults. I enjoy the lifestyle I have with Mikko. By marrying him, I finally loosened my father’s purse strings, something I hadn’t been able to accomplish on my own. As Madame Xyell, I’m accepted by people who wouldn’t have given me the time of day before.” She shrugged, but her smile was sad. “I’ve come to terms with who he is and I’ve learned not to depend on anyone else for my happiness.”

  “Are you happy?”

  “At times, in fact most of the time. I won’t pretend it doesn’t bother me, but it’s a fair exchange.” Laetif paused for several sips of coffee, her gaze far more troubled than her calm expression. “Anyway, I got tired of being ignored and decided to surprise Mikko by coming with him on this trip.”

  “Was he surprised?”

  “He was furious. He had me moved to a cabin as far away from his as the deck allowed, and he’s hardly spoken to me since we left Fedoros. Well, last night things came to a head.” She went on to explain about the ruggedly handsome guard and her unusual interaction with Caleb.

  “He spanked you?” Felicia set down her cup and leaned forward. “And you liked it?”

  “Between the emotional purging I did while he swung the belt and the amazing orgasm he gave me afterward, it was the most erotic experience of my life. I can’t wait for more.”

  Felicia raised a trembling hand to her chest and pressed it over her thudding heart. “Caleb asked Aiden if he was going to ‘train’ me. Do you think that sort of thing is what he meant?”

  Laetif reached across the table and squeezed her other hand. “Aiden is not Caleb and you are not me. There is no way Aiden would do something like that to you. What you need is tenderness and patience. Aiden understands that. If you are curious and if you’re as attracted to him as I think you are, you don’t need to be afraid.”

  “How well do you know them? Have you hired their skyship before?”

  “You’re right. I don’t know them that well, but Caleb could have taken advantage of me last night. I was all over him. But he didn’t. Not only did he give me exactly what I needed and nothing more, he held his own desire in strict control the entire time. He was really very gallant.”

  “While he spanked you with his belt?” They both laughed at the irony and Felicia relaxed. “Tell me about the new city. How long did it take to build? A goddess could have willed in into existence, but you keep insisting you’re not gods.”

  “You really don’t miss much, do you?” She nodded toward Felicia’s half-full plate. “Keep eating.”

  “But I’m full. I really am. I never eat this much, especially early in the day.”

  “All right. Have another cup of coffee then. This is sort of hard to explain.” Laetif paused, apparently ordering her thoughts while Felicia poured them both a fresh cup of coffee. “There are so many people on Fedoros that the planet has trouble supporting us all. It has been like that for thousands of years. Everyone feared that the planet would die and we would be forced to relocate. So a series of expeditions were sent out to other star systems, some close enough to colonize and so
me very far away.”

  “My world was one of these planets?”

  “Yes. Earth was seeded shortly before the rise of the Roman Empire.” Laetif smiled, but Felicia didn’t quite grasp the significance. “Your gene pool was infused with…” She sighed and rubbed her lower lip. “I’m not sure how to explain this to you. The people from my world made subtle changes to yours. Some were made stronger, some smarter, others more attractive. Many of the stories in your mythology are the result of these improvements. Hercules and Helen of Troy—”

  “But those are just stories.”

  “Are they? Most stories have some tie to fact. Yes they have been embellished and romanticized, but woven through each saga are real people and real events.”

  “So your people came to my world and made us better than we would have been. How does this keep your planet from dying?”

  “Earth was a failsafe, a backup, backup plan. We began to colonize the inhabitable planets that were closer to Fedoros. We also put into place strict qualifications for reproduction. If people didn’t want to abide by these rules, they have to move to one of the colonies.”

  “Your government tells people when they can have children?” Felicia could not imagine anything more unnatural. She set down her coffee cup and tried not to frown.

  “When and with whom. As I said, people flocked to the colonies because they refused to abide by these laws.”

  “I would have been among them.”

  “I am not able to conceive, so the statutes have never bothered me. Okay that was probably more information than you were hoping for, but it’s important for you to understand.”

  Two days before, none of it would have made any sense to Felicia. She had matured a lifetime in less than two days. “You have not overwhelmed me so far.”

  “Well, the next thing you need to understand is that crime has been basically eradicated on Fedoros.”

  Felicia narrowed her gaze, trying to decide if she meant the statement literally. “How can any society stop all forms of crime?”

  “That was a bit of an exaggeration. Corporate espionage is still a problem and every time someone posts about a hacker-proof environment, hackers spring up like weeds to prove them wrong. Violence has been eradicated, at least in reality.”